a simple, soulful approach TO MAKE OR BREAK A HABIT


Whether you’re in a season of growth, nourishment, reflection, or play, this challenge will help you choose and stick to the habits that support your soul.

Are you ready to honor the season you're in and create habits that truly support your mind, body, and spirit? The 40-Day Paper Chain Challenge is not just about making or breaking a habit—it’s about tuning into the natural rhythms of your life. 🌿 Whether you’re in a season of pushing forward, pulling in nourishment, pausing for reflection, or simply playing and enjoying the flow, this challenge is designed to help you align your daily actions with your energy.

why is it so hard to start (or stop) that one habit?!

Here are some of the most common challenges when it comes to habits:

  • It feels too big: We think about the end goal and feel like it’s too far away or it feels too daunting on a daily basis, so we don’t even start.

  • Lack of accountability: Without someone to cheer us on or help us stay on track, it’s easy to lose focus.

  • Procrastination: We keep telling ourselves we’ll start tomorrow, next week, or after the next big deadline—then, nothing changes.

  • Inconsistency: We might start strong, but after a few days, old habits creep back in and we fall off the wagon.

  • Too much pressure: We set high expectations, and when we don’t meet them, we feel like we’ve failed.

The result? We end up stuck in a cycle of frustration, constantly knowing what we need to do but struggling to follow through.

We’ve all been there—thinking to ourselves, “I should really start [insert habit here],” or “I really need to stop [insert habit here],” only to push it off for another day. You know how great you’d feel if you actually started exercising more, eating healthier, or getting rid of a bad habit, but somehow, the days keep slipping by.

The truth is, change is hard. Even when we know the benefits, making (or breaking) a habit often feels overwhelming. Life gets busy, motivation fades, and before we know it, we’re stuck in the same old routines, feeling frustrated that we’re not making the progress we want.

why the paper chain challenge can help you finally make (or break) that habit

The 40-Day Paper Chain Challenge is designed with one simple truth in mind: lasting change happens one day at a time. Unlike other challenges that overwhelm you with strict routines or one-size-fits-all advice, this challenge is all about creating a path that’s right for YOU.

One Day at a Time, One Link at a Time

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the idea of 40 days, you’ll focus on just one day at a time. Each day you’ll complete one small, doable action, and at the end of the day, you’ll add a link to your paper chain. Day by day, that chain grows—not as a burden but as a visual reminder of your progress. The power of this challenge is in its simplicity: no pressure, just one small step closer to your goal each day.

Personalized for Your Goals

This isn’t a cookie-cutter challenge. You choose your goal—whether you want to build a new habit, break an old one, or simply create more space for growth in your life. And if you’re unsure of where to start, I’ll help you craft your perfect goal. You’ll learn how to find the right balance between “big” and “small” so your goal feels achievable but still stretches you toward something meaningful.

Accountability Without the Pressure

I get it: motivation can fade, and sometimes life gets in the way. That’s why you’ll have daily encouragement sent right to your phone and access to an amazing community of people who are on this journey with you. This isn’t about being perfect every day—it’s about consistency and celebrating your progress, no matter how small.

A Path to Lasting Change

The challenge is set up to build momentum. By starting with small, manageable steps, you’re creating the foundation for lasting change. And because you’re seeing tangible progress (hello, growing paper chain!), it’s easier to stay motivated and keep going—even on the tough days.

You’re Not Alone

The 40-Day Paper Chain Challenge is more than just daily actions; it’s a chance to be part of a supportive community. We’ll be there to cheer you on, celebrate your wins, and encourage you when things get tough. Whether it’s through the daily text messages or our online group, you’ll always have people to lean on.

Setting You Up for Success

Before the challenge even begins, we’ll hold a special workshop to help you get clear on your perfect goal. This isn’t about setting a goal that’s too big and overwhelming, or too small that it doesn’t excite you. We’ll help you find that sweet spot—a goal that feels right for you and sets you up for success over the next 40 days. Walk away ready and confident to start the challenge!

Twenty years ago, when I was working hard to quit a sugar addiction, I felt overwhelmed by getting through the first 30 days without it despite the fact that I really WANTED to. So, I made a 30-link paper chain, just like I used to do to countdown to Christmas. But looking at that looooong chain just made it feel more daunting. I had to do ALL THAT?!

So I experimented with just ONE chain at a time. A simple visual reminder that all I had to get through was that one day - from the time I woke up until the time I went to bed - and I didn’t have to think about the next day until the next day.

This approached changed everything for me. Each day, I pulled out a slip of paper, kept it visible as a reminder of my focus, and when the day was done, I added that link to the chain. As the days passed, the chain grew - not as a burden, but as a visual representation of my strength, courage and progress. The chain became a symbol of how small steps, taken consistently, add up to something truly powerful.

origin of the paper chain method

Cut to this past spring when I began a daily 30-60 minute practice to rewire my nervous system. It’s been 115 days and counting in a row of this habit. My goal is 9 months. I’ve made it work on airplanes, on vacation at the beach, in the middle of the woods, and on my hardest and busiest days. I know what it takes to have consistency with a habit that’s important. Let me help you, too.

Why 40 days?

You’ve probably heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit—but in reality, that’s just the beginning. True transformation requires more time, more commitment, and more intention.

40 days has long been recognized as a powerful period for deep change and growth, both spiritually and practically. It’s a number that holds significance across many traditions—from biblical stories of renewal and transformation to modern-day practices of personal growth.

In the Bible (don’t worry if you’re not a bible person - this challenge is 100% spiritually inclusive! I just like the history of the transformation that happens in 40 days!), 40 days represents a time of preparation, reflection, and transformation. Think of Moses on Mount Sinai, Jesus in the wilderness, or Noah and the flood—all major shifts took place in 40 days. This sacred time allows space for challenges, breakthroughs, and ultimately, meaningful transformation.

But beyond its spiritual roots, 40 days provides enough time to:

  • Break through old patterns: 21 days might be enough to start a habit, but often, it’s not enough to make it stick. 40 days gives you the space to fully embrace change, push past the tough days, and solidify new behaviors.

  • Develop a deeper connection: By focusing on small, intentional actions over a longer period, you’re able to build a stronger connection to your goals and your why.

  • See lasting results: 40 days of consistent effort creates momentum. By the end of the challenge, you’ll not only have built a habit but transformed your mindset and how you approach daily life.

It’s not just about getting to the finish line—it’s about giving yourself the time you need to create real, lasting change.





(Need help choosing? Come to the “Find Your Perfect Goal” Workshop on Thursday, September 19th! Replay available!)

Sign-Up Period: September 9 – September 22, 2024

  • Identify your season: Identify whether you’re in a season of growth, rest, nourishment, or play.

  • Pick your habit: Choose a habit that fits your current energy—whether you want to push forward, pull in support, pause for reflection, or embrace playful exploration.

Need help choosing? We’ve got you covered! Attend the "Find Your Aligned Habit" workshop (Thursday, September 19) to get expert guidance on picking a goal that’s right for you and your family.


get your paper chain Kit & join the facebook grouP

After you sign up, you’ll receive an email with a link to download your Paper Chain Strips. You can:

  • Download, print, and cut your paper strips at home.

  • Or, if you prefer something easier, you can order a full-color, pre-cut set to be shipped directly to you.

  • Want to include your kids? You can download or order a 20-day kids’ version of the paper chain strips. If they’re eager to go for the full 40 days, simply print or order double!

Join the Facebook group and introduce yourself and share about your new habit!


join the kickoff party,
DAy 0

Kickoff Party: Sunday, September 22, 2024

Before we dive into the challenge, join us for a fun and motivating virtual kickoff party! You’ll meet your fellow challengers, get excited about what’s ahead, and finalize your goal with my help. This is also a great chance to get any questions answered before we start.


start the challenge,
day 1-40

Challenge Start Date: Monday, September 23, 2024

Each day, pull out a new paper strip, keep it visible, and add it to your growing chain at the end of the day or after you complete your habit that day.

Daily Support: You’ll receive 3 text messages per day packed with encouragement, tips, and inspiration to help you stay motivated.

Community Connection: Share your wins, struggles, and progress with our private Facebook group, where you’ll find a supportive community to cheer you on.


midway boost: the “see yourself” workshop


Workshop Date: Midway through the challenge, Tuesday, October 15

Around midway through, you’ll have the opportunity to join the "See Yourself" workshop where we work on incorporating this new habit into your vision of yourself. To see is to believe, right?! This is designed to give you a motivational boost, help you reflect on your progress, and refocus for the second half of the challenge. It’s the perfect way to reconnect with your goal and your growth!

This workshop is optional as it is a paid event, but absolutely worth it! More details to come!


finish strong & celebrate

Challenge End Date: November 3, 2024

After 40 days, your paper chain will be a powerful visual reminder of your progress. Each link will represent a small, meaningful step you took toward your goal.

Virtual Celebration: Join us for a virtual wrap-up party on November 3, 2024, where we’ll reflect on the journey, celebrate our wins, and set intentions for the future!


The 40-Day Paper Chain Challenge isn’t just for adults—your kids can join in, too! This challenge offers a fun and interactive way to help your children make or break their own habits. Whether it’s starting a morning routine, limiting screen time, or learning to be more mindful, you can work together to build positive changes that last.

Here’s how it works for kids: Instead of the full 40 days, they can complete a 20-day version (or double it for 40 days if they're up for the challenge!). You’ll create paper chains together, adding a new link each day as they take a step toward their goal.

Why Include the Kids?

  • Family Bonding: Build your paper chains together at the end of the day—encouraging connection and shared goals.

  • Teach Good Habits Early: Whether it’s practicing gratitude, tidying up, or limiting screen time, this challenge helps kids develop healthy routines.

  • Break Those Pesky Habits: There are some habits we wish our kids didn’t have—this is a fun and positive way to help them let go of those.

What Habits Can Kids Focus On?

  • Making their bed every morning

  • Limiting screen time or video games

  • Practicing gratitude by writing or sharing one thing they’re thankful for each day

  • Reading for 10 minutes before bed

  • Cleaning up their space after playtime

👉 Want your kids to join? You can download and print a special set of paper strips just for them, or order a pre-cut set delivered to your door. It’s time to create habits that last—together!

why is this free?

Legit question.

You might be wondering why I’m offering the 40-Day Paper Chain Challenge for free when so many things out there come with a price tag. The truth is, I want this to be for everyone—no matter where you are in your journey or what resources you have.

My goal is simple: I want to create a space where you can focus on your growth, find your strength, and start (or stop!) that one habit you’ve been thinking about. More than anything, I believe in the power of community and connection—and I want you to experience that too.

This isn’t about getting you in the door to "sell" you something later. It’s about offering something valuable, meaningful, and transformative for free, because I believe that change should be accessible to everyone.

That said, if you're feeling called to go deeper, I will be offering an optional midway workshop called "See Yourself" to help you reflect on your journey and tap into your inner strength. It’s completely optional, and I want you to know that you’ll get everything you need from this challenge without ever spending a dime.

But if you’re ready to dive even deeper, I’d love for you to join me for that as well.

At the end of the day, this challenge is about creating real change, one day at a time, for anyone who’s ready to step into their power. I’m here to support you, cheer you on, and help you see what’s possible—whether you join for free or choose to dive deeper later. 💖

“Find your most aligned habit”

thursday, sept. 19

11:00-12:30 EST

Discover the habit that fits perfectly with the season you're in. In this workshop, we’ll explore how to align your habits with your current energy—whether you're in a season of growth, nourishment, rest, or play. You'll walk away with the WHAT, WHERE & HOW MUCH of a personalized habit that honors where you are and supports your next steps. 🌿


Set up for success kickoff party

Begin your journey with our live virtual kickoff party on Sunday, September 22! A guided meditation, reflective questionnaire & habit-creating tips all designed to help you clarify your goal and map out steps to achieve it! We aim to get everyone to their finish line!

And a closing celebration, too! Obviously!

Paper chain method

Receive your free printable paper chain sheets or purchase full-color shipped right to you! Each day you’ll pull out a slip of paper with an encouraging message to keep you focused on just that one day. At the end of the day, instead of tearing up your link, you’ll add it to your chain - creating a tangible reminder of your progress and the power of daily commitment! Share your progress on social or in the facebook group!

Daily Support & Encouragement

You don’t have to do it alone!

Receive 3 encouraging text messages a day - packed with inspiration, cheerleading, and practical tips - to keep you motivated and connected as you work towards your goal.

Join the Facebook group to share your wins, encourage others and get ideas for how to stay consistent and show up for yourself!

ready to take that first step?!

Join the 40-Day Paper Chain Challenge today and start creating the habits that align with your true purpose! Don’t wait any longer to make or break that habit that you KNOW will bring you closer to a life you love!

Upon signing up, you’ll be sent a FREE habit ideas guide including 100 Personal Habits to Make or Break and 100 Business Habits to Make or Break, so if you’re still undecided, get the guide and see if it inspires you! It includes habits anywhere from one minute a day (yes! one minute can make a difference!) up to an hour a day!