5 Questions That Will Change How You Approach Your Instagram Feed Forever
You stare at your Instagram feed wondering what to do next. You’re not getting new followers. You’re not getting comments, you’re barely getting likes.
You come across those beautiful Instagram feeds and wonder how they did it, where they got their ideas. Maybe you’ve even started a whole Pinterest board devoted to Instagram feed design inspiration.
You check in with yourself. “Self, I love what I do. I love the gifts I’ve been given & I’m trying to share them with the world, but this dang Instagram is just standing in my way!!”
You stand up, slam your laptop closed, wave your fist at the heavens…and shuffle off to the pantry to dig for your secret dark chocolate stash. (Oh, yeah. I know.)
Ready for a deeper dive that will have you INSTANTLY knowing what’s working, what isn’t, and what to do about it when it comes to your Instagram?
I’ve got a free 17-page guide + worksheets for you!
My friend, I get it. I’ve spent a long time mentally wrestling with what the heck to do on Instagram. I went through phases where I felt that FOR SURE I had it on lock, this was it! My following & thus my sales would grow! And then nothing.
Sure, celebrity Instagram feeds have a lot of followers, but that’s TOTALLY different than being a creative business owner. We have to show up very differently.
I started to realize that there were some recurring themes in the more successful personal brands I was following.
These successful & drool-worthy Instagram personal brand feeds were each hitting on 5 categories of sorts, I realized, that made them look professional, good at what they do, trustworthy, very personable & easy to connect to.
I started to analyze what I saw & I created my 5Qs Assessment.
This 5 Question Instagram Assessment goes over everything that a brand needs to be covering in order to ensure growth.
When you can answer affirmatively to all 5 questions, you’re on the road to growing your Instagram.
And, I guarantee, you’ll have the confidence & excitement to stay consistent in your Instagram posting.
(It’s all ready for you to pin, you guys!)
Do I quickly know what service or product is being offered? Do I know what this person or business does?
Does this feed give me confidence that the service or product is good? Great? Professional?
If I didn’t need this product or service TODAY, is there something about this feed that would make me follow? Or share?
If this was the first time I ever saw this feed, how would it make me feel? What would my first reaction be?
Do I know anything about the person offering this product or service? Is there something that gives me an instant human connection?
Now that you’ve got some insight as to where the gaps might be, let’s get you rolling with ideas of HOW to fix them and WHAT to post, yeah? I cover ALL THAT in my 17-page guide called “Is Your Instagram Repelling Your Ideal Client?” C’mon girl, hop on this Instagram train with me, pull that horn loud and let’s gooooooo!
Looking for even MORE inspo? Come follow me (where else?) on INSTAGRAM! Giving you all kinds of tips and goodies and loud-clapping-from-the-stands!