Fun, Creative & Wacky Photo/Video Scavenger Hunts for Kids in Elementary & Middle School

These hilarious scavenger hunts all started when my kids would have playdates at our house, which I wanted to use as time to get my own things done, but they kept asking me to do things! So, I finally came up with the idea to create these crazy & fun scavenger hunts that would keep the kids busy for a while. Not only did they have to take photos of things, I made it so they had to CREATE something to take a photo or video of FIRST! I tried to think of things that had them inside, outside, drawing, dancing, and using their imaginations.

All the kiddos thought it was just the GREATEST!


I created THREE printable photo/video scavenger hunts for you to download! One is for inside & outside, one is just for indoors & one is for outdoors!

What I love about these hunts is that they’re awesome for when kids are bored and they’re great things to do when kids are outside, inside or on rainy days.

So, I thought it made a ton of sense to share them with YOU!


⭐ Here’s an example of some of the things I have on my lists. You’re free to use them to create your own lists or you can download the three that I’ve created for you! So many can be done indoors or outside!

  • 💥 Draw a photo of a rainbow and take a photo of it.

  • 💥 Make up a cheer about cupcakes & take a video of it.

  • 💥 Do your best yoga pose and take a picture.

  • 💥 Give a video of your favorite book.

  • 💥 Arrange your stuffed animals or action figures in a circle and take a photo.

⭐ Whether you make your own or use mine or a combo of both, here are some tips to make it the most fun!

  1. Have kids work together and then sit down for a “showing” with the parents!

  2. Put kids in teams and see who can get done faster! But it’s actually more fun if there’s not a time limit and the teams just show each other at the end and laugh!

  3. Do the hunts with the family - creating teams works great here, too!

I’d love to see some photos if you do the scavenger hunt! Tag me on Instagram @lizahippler

Looking for something else for your kids to do?
Check out my ONLINE LIVE 5-day Kids Photography Camp!


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