Sisters Maternity Photoshoot {Pregnancy Photographer, Nashville, TN}

When I realized that my sweet pregnant friend, Kristina, had a look-alike (not twin) sister and that they were both pregnant only a few weeks apart, I just about BEGGED them to let me photograph them! At first I was thinking a drone shot of the two of them lounging on pool mats in a fancy pool would be AH-MAZING, but they were feeling too “pregnant-y” for that (you mamas know what I’m talking about) so we scrapped the swimsuit idea.

We ended up going to Kristina’s house and her sister brought over some dresses and we did a very casual maternity photoshoot with the two of them that probably lasted maybe 30 minutes.

My vision was to have them on the front porch together, shoes off, just enjoying each other’s company. The image I had in my head was to give the photos a current-day take on the photos we see now when we look back at our grandparent’s images - not a lot of background blur because that wasn’t really a thing yet, black & white and simply showing daily life.

We did some maternity photos like that, but then her sister also had these matching lace kimono things and I was like OH. WE NEED THESE. I pictured them with backlight pouring through, accentuating the feminine designs of the lace & the obviously feminine lines of two baby bellies.

BUT FIRST - haha! - I got there before her sister arrived, so we just hung out in her bedroom looking for good light and chatting, so I had to snap some images in there. The painting above her bed is her own! Her artwork is amazing and you can see more of her work HERE.

If you’re looking for maternity photos, let’s chat!

pregnant mom sits in chair in her bedroom
pregnant mom in chair
series of photos of pregnant mom wearing black in her bedroom
black and white image of pregnant mom
pregnant woman relaxing in chair
pregnant mom
pregnant mom relaxes
pregnant sisters say hello
pregnant sisters sit on front stoop steps
maternity photoshoot for sisters
pregnant sisters hanging out
black and white image of pregnant sisters outside
maternity pictures of sisters pregnant at the same time
maternity photoshoot black and white
pregnant sisters back-to-back
maternity shoot of pregnant sisters standing back-to-back
black and white image of pregnant sisters in cotton dresses
maternity shoot of pregnant woman in her doorframe
pregnant woman in striped dress in doorframe
maternity photo of woman in her doorway
pregnant sisters stand belly-to-belly
black and white maternity image of pregnant sisters
maternity photoshoot of sisters in backlight with lace coverups
black and white image of pregnant sisters
maternity shoot of sisters in backlit doorway
sister pregnant bellies together
maternity pictures of sisters
maternity photoshoot of woman wearing tight black dress and lace kimono
black and white image of pregnant woman
black and white maternity photo door reflection
sisters maternity photoshoot
maternity shoot of pregnant sisters black and white
pregnant sisters maternity shoot close up of bellies

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