Good gosh was Diana a treat to work with! She’s a clarity coach for millennials (how cool is THAT?) and helps them make decisions! You guys, I’m technically a “Xennial” (those few 6 years right between Gen X and Millennials where we didn’t have the internet growing up, but we applied for jobs online), and I’m pretty sure I could use her help, because I can TOTALLY get stuck in second guessing myself! Anyone else?

Diana was already working with a web designer and re-brand coach, Tiffany Tolliver of The Emma Rose Agency, when she found me. Working with the two of them was AMAZING. The funny part is that I met Tiffany at Amber Housley’s intimate event, Inspired Retreat, last May and she didn’t know Diana had chosen me to be her brand photographer, so when we each found out were were like HEY, GIRL, HEY!

Tiffany had done tons of work already on Diana’s new brand, including all her brand colors, her brand words and they even picked out this amazing Air BNB called Niido’s Treehouse in a super trendy apartment complex in Nashville! How cool is this place?! GAH!!! The photos of it had me drooling before I even got close to the building!

Don’t worry if you don’t have someone helping you with all that yet! When we work with my On Fire packages, I help you figure a lot of that out! Also, if you need to get clear on your ideal client, I have a blog post to help you do that and have fun at the same time! And THEN, once you’ve got that, I’ve got a freebie guide + workbook where you can figure out what kind of imagery you need to use to ATTRACT that amazing client on Instagram!

I was also excited to work with Diana because this was my first brand photoshoot for an African American woman of color, and goodness, you guys, is this an under-represented area when it comes to not only female entrepreneurship, but entrepreneurship in general! I was like, “Yes! I will give you amazing photos to support you in doing amazing things!” (Which is also how I treat all my amazing ladies.) Just the other day there was a woman in of my biz groups on Facebook saying how hard it was to find inspiration on Pinterest for women of color brand photography, and IT IS!! So, we’re definitely getting Diana’s shoot on some boards!

So, as I was ogling all the photos of Niido’s Treehouse and the common areas we would be able to shoot in, I was dreaming of beautifully lit photos on the green couch, sun streaming in, soft diffused light…and then…it rained. Like, so much rain and darkness and thick clouds. And Diana’s schedule was squished and we only had a certain window and, because of the weather, the whole place got DARK. FAST.

We definitely got some amazing shots of her in the apartment in front of that to-die-for muted green bookshelf with that golden frame that worked so gorgeously with her skin, so that was a major plus! As for the rain outside and the darkening sky, it wasn’t what I’d pictured and it wasn’t ideal, but you know what? WE MADE IT WORK. I’d even go so far as to say WE ROCKED IT.

I had brought one of my lights with me, so I just moved it around until I found a spot I liked and we kept shooting!

So, one of the things I like to do, even with my Getting Started packages, is to make sure my clients have a few shots that will help them tell stories - either of the creation of their brand or something more personal (though, they are often one-in-the-same) - so when Diana started talking about the high expectations placed on her at an early age, I knew we needed something for that.

Toward the end of the shoot, back in the room, I had the idea of her “casually” knocking a bunch of books off the table as a way to represent breaking through that perfection syndrome for her. She loved it, so we shot it.

In designing her shoot, Tiffany & Diana had decide on a shoot that was:

  • Regal

  • Classy

  • Velvety Smooth

  • Like a masculine-scented candle

We needed people to see her photos and feel:

  • Safe

  • Like Diana could be a friend and a guide

  • Inspired

  • Confident in Diana

Personally, I LOVE her shoot, (even with the dark clouds!) and I love even more how Tiffany so brilliantly and beautifully incorporated the photos into her brand!


brand photos of black woman in air bnb
young black professional woman in peach tank top
brand photo of African American female in downtown Nashville building
brand photos of black woman life coach
brand photo for young life coach nashville
woman of color sits and works on laptop
young professional works on a laptop at dusk
black woman in rose gold tank on camel couch for brand photography
young African American life coach woman
creative brand photo shoot of clarity coach
diana morris clarit coach for millennials
brand photography for women of color in yellow sweater and head wrap
nashville tn brand photographer in niido's treehouse
black woman wearing yellow sweater and head wrap in courtyard
headshot of diana morris clarity coach for millennials
wide shot with lots of white chairs and african american woman
young woman of color waves to a friend
woman of color wearing yellow sweater and jeans smiles
two brand photos of clarity coach
close up of beautiful woman of color wearing camel jacket and head wrap
woman walking away in camel coat
woman leans on bar at dusk
African American woman lounges on green couch
young professional woman of color laughs
clarity coach works on laptop while sitting on the floor at night
woman sits on the floor of apartment with skyline out the window
detail shots of woman working on laptop and pile of books
young African American woman sits on the floor of apartment and looks away
young woman of color sits at desk at night in front of oil painting for brand photography
woman knocks books off desk for brand photographer in nashville tn

Clea & John Shearer's Family Shoot {Nashville, TN Family Photographer}


Kiddo Personality Portraits: Part 2 {franklin, tn family photographer}