Meg Dillard, Artist & Architect & How to Be on Instagram if You're a Private Person {Nashville, TN Brand Photographer}

brand photography for painter in her white home studio

When I arrived at Meg’s home, my immediate question was, “Why is this not ANYWHERE in your Instagram feed?!” See, Meg is a painter, whose style is distinctly like her mother’s, and she is also a non-practicing architect. And, with her architect’s eye and skill, she designed her current home. And it’s stunning.

I was immediately thrilled about her upcoming brand photography shoot just two days later.

As I walked through her home, hearing how she simply hated the entire process of posting on social media, I knew that showing the beauty of the spaces around her house would only serve to lend legitimacy to her artistic eye as a painter.

Not only do people love seeing behind-the-scenes, they also want to see evidence that you’re good at what you do. That you not only talk the talk, but that you walk that gorgeous walk as well, and Meg certainly does. As we walked around and chatted during her pre-session consultation for her brand shoot, I began talking about showing her house along with her art. I talked about how she could share her artistic process, how she learned painting from her mother, how she designed her home, her favorite spots in her house, what motivates her as a painter, etc.

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    Often, we’re not excited about social media because we don’t know our ideal client and we don’t have a plan.

    See, like most women, Meg wants to be able to leverage Instagram to sell her paintings, but she’s been inundated with the idea that she has to share all kinds of private things in order to be successful. MANY women tell me this. They say, “I’m a private person, but I know I need to be on Instagram for my business.”

    Like I talked about in a recent weekly live in my Facebook group Create Your Badass Brand, you do not need to spill personal and private details about your life in order to be successful, I PROMISE! For someone like Meg, simply sticking to the categories of things I just mentioned would give her plenty to talk about, AND feel like her audience was getting to know her!

    We can talk about things we love, things that motivate us, things that can get us stuck, dreams we have, even a favorite eye cream - all without divulging intimate details about our marriages or our finances or any other private matter that is no one else’s business and still make it so that we have created a connection to our audience.

    Once we got through that and the ideas for images and content started rolling, Meg began to realize how much easier it was going to be posting on Instagram once she had the photos to help her say what she wanted to say! By the end of our consult, she was telling me she was EXCITED!

    Two days later we had a beautiful shoot, which resulted in not only a unique brand photography session that showed off her super artsy in-home studio and her at work, but also the beauty of the home around that she created. I can’t wait to see what she does on social!

    If you’d like to see more of Meg’s work and what she’s up to, check her out on Instagram!

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    woman sitting in beautiful living room looking through a book
    artist meg dillard sitting in her living room for brand photography
    overhead photo of woman looking through home design book
    brand photography shoot in franklin, TN of woman standing in her kitchen
    meg dillard artist in her white kitchen with tall ceilings
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    brunette woman in orange shirt smiles for brand photography headshot
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    woman pets her dogs while sitting on her house front stairs
    artist and architect meg dillard on the stairs of her white brick home
    woman at the bottom of her front stairs with her dogs
    artist meg dillard paints in her studio for unique brand photography
    meg dillard headshot for her brand photos
    artist stands at her art table in franklin, tn
    close up of artist paintbrush

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