Colorful Self-Portraits {Nashville, TN Creative Photographer}

There’s an amazing group of photographers from all over the world that participates in weekly self-portrait challenges, which I am proud to be a part of. It’s for all of us to push ourselves creatively, to make sure that we are IN the frame and not always behind the camera, never showing up in our own visual histories, and way to take time for ourselves without the timelines or pressures of business & simply create.

Each month there is a theme and although we are encouraged to shoot within the theme weekly, not a lot of us do (but some do!). I’ve actually gone a few months without participating, but I’m fine with that. I kind of jump in here and there when the inspiration strikes!

“Shouty Color” was one theme from last year, and it was a blast. I bought this dress and that loud-ass hat from Target, along with some colorful wrapping paper that I tapped to one of my foamcore backgrounds. Then, I flung my hair a lot. haha! I had one or two lights set up, and that was it!

Each month, the creator of the group, Adri de la Cruz, chooses a collection of images to share on the Dear Photographer blog. The first one in this series was chosen for the Shouty Color month! It’s an awesome collection, and I highly encourage you to check out.

So, here’s what us creative photographers do when we have a few minutes of downtime:

Looking for a creative shoot for your personal brand or just some creative fun?

creative and colorful self portrait
shoulders down self portrait shot
colorful self portrait with pink dress
collage of self portraits in pink dress on colorful paper
self portrait of brunette with hair flip


How to Take Amazing Photos of Your Summer Vacation {Nashville, TN Lifestyle Photographer}


Smash Cake Session Gone Wild! {One Year Birthday Photographer, Franklin, TN}