Third Grade Market Day Crafting Session {Franklin, TN Documentary Photographer}

Two weeks ago my 3rd grader came home with papers that didn’t look like homework. It was two printer pages, stapled at the top left corner, and they talked about Market Day. This was where all the 3rd graders are to come up with a product to sell. They are to purchase the materials to make the product, make up to 20 per kid - and you’re allowed one partner, so that’s 40 per team - and get ready to learn about economics!

Apparently, though, this year they threw in the wrench that you have to first choose a country and then some country-appropriate product. So, Sailor and her friend first choose Japan and SQUISHES - obvi - but the first thing I had to do was explain that squishes aren’t made in Japan, they’re made in China, and then that making squishes that lived up to any 3rd graders expectations was near impossible (without your brain melting from whatever chemicals they use in those things).

So, then they went with flower crowns from Mexico! Sounds good, but flower crowns originated in ancient Greece, and then made their way to England and then a few other stops before being decidedly “American Wedding.” So, no go on that one, either.

FINALLY, they went with mini piñatas. Yes! We have a winner!

So, Sailor’s friend’s mom took them out to Hobby Lobby - which turned in a TWO HOUR TRIP complete with various discussions about BUDGET (God love that mom) - and they returned with all kinds of colorful loot. It was late when they got back and Sailor’s friend was spending the night so they skipped starting their work until the morning (after pizza and a movie and coconut milk ice cream which was not a hit for the friend - I feel bad).

But these girls got up and got to it starting at 7:30am, and, with exception of a lunch break and a “run around the house screaming like maniacs” break, they worked straight until 3pm!! Seven and a half hours! And they’re still not done! haha!!

But what’s MOST IMPORTANT HERE is that mom got some fun, colorful photos. I’m sure her friend was like, “Why did your mom turn off the overhead lights and why is she standing on a chair behind us?” BECAUSE THIS.

I love telling the story of our lives. I love being able to tell the story of my daughter and her friends. It’s awesome. (If you want your story told, check out my lifestyle sessions and contact me.)

SIDE NOTE: I’ve realized the wreaths in my dining area make it look like it’s still Christmas. So…time for a new plan…

girls crafting
overhead shot of craft table colorful
third grade market day crafts
colorful crafts on dark table
third grade girls crafting
market day crafting pinatas
crafts from hobby lobby
girl makes silly face while crafting
crafting for market day
crafts all set up
two third grade girls crafting with colorful tubes
lots of crafts on table
overhead shot of colorful crafts
girls crafting at table with black wall
mini pinatas
girls laugh while making mini pinatas
making silly faces with streamers
gluing streamers for pinatas
mini pinatas looking so fly
girls making pinatas in dining room

Sweet Mommy & Me Session {Franklin, TN Lifestyle Photographer}


Farm Style Family Shoot {Franklin, TN Lifestyle Photographer}